Sure, things are changing pretty rapidly in this space but creativity by humans will always be distinctly present, grounded and relatable.

Branding & Identity

I make your mark by digging deeper for unexplored ideas.

Graphic Design

Creative thinking, colour, type and layout for screen and print.


So, I see things through a lens or two or three.

Motion Design

Storytelling is everything. I script, shoot and cut to sell.

Website Design

What will your website do? Give your visitors a reason to engage.

Social Media

Reach potential clients faster and get them to take action.

I am a creative based in Melbourne.

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    – David Arnold

    When a charity event needed a website working in 3 days plus advice on online ticketing it seemed impossible. Troy did it for us.

    – John Bade

    – Kat McGowan

    150,000 Downloads says I help other creatives too.